“Anybody who gets the pleasure of being part of this group is being given a chance to do all the things they wanted to do before having a baby. It shows them that life is not over. It is just beginning. So thank you for giving me a new beginning.”


Young parents and education

Pregnancy and being a parent doesn’t need to stop you from finishing school or pursuing further training and education. Whether you want to finish secondary school, do a PLC or training course, or pursue a university degree, or any course of your choosing, we can help. Many young parents have embarked on a similar learning journey, and while this commitment is not easy, it is certainly possible! We recommend talking with your Guidance Counsellor or Student Advisor to learn about any supports available within the school, college or training centre. We can help you to find the right option for you and link you with other services that may be able to help.


What are the options for funding?

There are some funding options available if you want to stay in or return to education. If you are attending secondary school you might be eligible for Home Tuition which is provided by the Department of Education. If you need financial support at third level, contact your Student Advisor/Counsellor or visit Student Finance or Student Universal Support Ireland. Whatever your current situation is, we can discuss it with you and support you.

Childcare while in education

Most important of all is finding the right childcare for your baby once you have decided to pursue education. You may already have a partner, parent or family member who can take care of your baby. If not, we can provide you with information about other suitable options. If you are looking for affordable childcare in your area, see the Parents’ Guide on Galway City & County Childcare Committee. You will also find a list of local childcare providers.












